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It's not going to happen today

Happy Monday all, going to keep this one short and sweet. A single sweaty, motivated effort is not going magically give you sixteen inch biceps, cause you to lose ten pounds, or carve out a six pack. If you've thrown yourself through a wall you might be too sore to even come back this week. It's definitely not going to give you changes that last very long. So what is the point of this rant?


Whether your goal is to burn body fat, gain muscle, or be more capable; your efforts have to be consistent.

Small, consistent positive inputs = big positive outcomes.

Discipline > Motivation.

There is no such thing as an endless pool of motivation, but there are systems that we can leverage to help keep us disciplined. Any books related to habit (The Power of Habit, Tiny Habits, Atomic Habits, etc.) are a great resource to master these systems. Using SMART goals, can also improve your systems. See the last blog post for more on that. Discipline forces us to show up on the days that we do not feel like it, and I strongly believe, those days are more important than any other.

I challenge you to pick one habit that will lead to one of your goals. Print out a little calendar. Put a big smiley every day you successfully complete your goal. After a month of successfully sticking to it, see how much consistency has paid off.

My example: I want to get better at climbing and finger strength is a major limiter for me. Doing different hangboard protocols can help me to improve my finger strength. Because I highly value climbing, I do my hangboard sessions first thing in the morning, prioritizing it over everything else.

Use small changes to start the positive cascade and see your life improve. Onwards and upwards.

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