Machine models will vary by gym, and the settings will be different for each. Brief descriptions for the machines are listed below; however, each machine should have a diagram instructing their use, as well as a QR code that you can scan that links to an instructional video. All of the images below show the start position on the left, and end position on the right
Knee extension machine

Adjust the seat so your knee is aligned with the rotation arm. This is the most important setting, it ensures the forces are distributed equally throughout the working joint
- Kick feet up until knee is at full extension
Control the weights, slowly lowering down
Hamstring curl machine

Same as above, adjust the seat so your knee is aligned with the rotation arm. This is the most important setting, it ensures the forces are distributed equally throughout the working joint
Pull heels toward your butt, until your knee is flexed at 90 degrees
Control the weights, slowly lowering down
Some gyms have one or both of these machines, choose whichever you are more comfortable using
Adduction machine

Some machines do both adduction and abduction
For adduction the pads rest against the inside of your leg
Move the machine legs out as far as you can comfortably go
Scooch your butt all the way back in the seat
Low back stays in contact with the back rest for the entire exercise, do not let your back arch to complete a repetition
Bring knees together, slowly let the legs go back out, lowering the weight
Abduction machine

For abduction the pads rest against the outside of your leg
The machine legs start together
Scooch your butt all the way back in the seat
Low back stays in contact with the back rest for the entire exercise, do not let your back arch to complete a repetition
Push legs out, slowly bring legs back together, lowering the weights
Reverse fly machine
Most reverse fly machines are also used for regular flys (facing the other direction in the seat)
Generally the vertical grip as pictured above is used for flys and the horizontal grip is used for reverse flys
I would recommend using the horizontal grip (not pictured above)
Adjust the heights of the seat until your shoulders are level with the handles
Your chest should rest comfortably against the seat
Hands start together, pull them apart until your arms are at 180 degrees, you do not need to go past your body